Renewable Fuels Foundation

Meeting the education, research and strategic planning needs of the U.S. ethanol industry.


The Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF) began in 1985 as the education and research arm of the Renewable Fuels Association.  The RFF is dedicated to meeting the education, research and strategic planning needs of the U.S. fuel ethanol industry.  The goal is to assure a growing and healthy renewable fuels industry well into the future.  The focus of the RFF is toward academia, industry and public policy makers as we address issues related to new uses, new feedstocks and new technologies that will impact the future of ethanol.


RFF Board of Directors


The RFF funds research critical to advancing the RFF mission.  To see some of this research, visit the RFA Reports and Studies page.


As part of the educational mission of the RFF, scholarships are awarded annually to students in higher education to attend the National Ethanol Conference (NEC).  The aim of the “Robert Sather Memorial NEC Scholarship” is to reach students aspiring to a career related to ethanol and open new doors and present new perspectives on biofuels’ place in our world today and beyond. The program provides eligible students with opportunities to hear from and meet with top industry leaders, policy makers and academic and technical experts.  The scholarship is named for Robert “Bob” Sather, who was primarily responsible for creating the NEC scholarship when he served as chair of the Renewable Fuels Foundation. Bob was also an educator, financial aid director, founding member of Ace Ethanol, and member of the RFA board of directors. For more information on the scholarship, visit